Monday, June 11, 2012

Little Orphan Annie has nothing on me....

Wow, things have been crazy busy! Rand and I re-queened hive #11 last Monday. That hive did not look strong at all. We plan to take some brood from hive #14 tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't too late to give the new queen a chance. We probably should have done that last week, but needed to talk to our mentor first. Heather should help me post my thousand words (pictures) tomorrow. It was difficult to take good pics with the gloves on, but I do have a few. I plan to take some more tomorrow... Our super awesome mentor gave me a secret to make sure that the strong hives don't steal sugar water from the weaker ones - so we can stop feeding all but the weakest hives. Rand will be very happy, since he has been stung four times giving those strong and mean stinkers water.... I plan to take pics of how to feed weak hives tomorrow as well... The goaties are doing great. We are getting several gallons of milk twice each day. Quisi is being milked only in the evening and is producing a gallon a day! The Pork-Butts, Red, White, and Blue are getting fat and happy on all of the goatie milk we have left over for them! there are pics of the PBs on my camera, waiting to be posted tomorrow. Copper had made an enormous difference in our goatie girls. I have several thousand words for Heather to post on that, as well. It is amazing what some yogurt and copper rods can do!O Okay. It is late and I am getting cranky and tired (standard operating procedure, just ask the children) so I will sign off now and post some wonderful pics tomorrow... Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you're only a day away.... Ps. This is not Random Gal. This is Predictable Mom.


  1. Will definitely be selling honey.

    Things have been chaotic here - and will probably get until after the fair in July.

  2. Yeah. Internett is ornery. That was supposed to say thT things will probably get crazier until after the fair in July...

    AAAAAARGH! I quit!
